(Dan Tri) – According to the Economist, the latest US aid package will only bring Ukraine temporary relief.

Russian soldiers participating in the war in Ukraine (Illustration photo: AFP).

Throw someone a life jacket and the problem can be solved immediately.

That’s more or less the way to think about Ukraine after US President Joe Biden signed a long-delayed bill on April 24 to allocate $61 billion in financial and military assistance to help Kiev continue to cope.

If the bill is not passed, Ukraine faces the risk of losing more territory in a new Russian attack expected in early summer.

Economist experts commented: `Even though $61 billion helps Ukraine survive, it is still not safe.`

However, the good news for Ukraine is that the latest US aid package has been approved and will soon be brought to the front line.

Since aid funds began to dry up in the fall, shortages of vital supplies, especially artillery shells, have become more urgent for Ukraine than ever.

With ammunition already stockpiled at US bases in Poland, the above restriction will now be relaxed.

Getting UAVsĀ and missile interceptors into Ukraine will take longer, but eventually Russia will no longer control the skies, especially on the front lines.

However, there is also some worrying information for Ukraine.

First, although the new package will strengthen Ukraine’s defense capabilities, it is not enough to help the country regain the territories lost to Russia, which currently make up about 18% of Ukraine’s land area.

The lesson of last summer’s failed counteroffensive that cost Ukraine dearly in terms of human and material losses is that it is very difficult to regain territory.

Second, the struggle in the US Congress to pass the bill is a sign of trouble ahead.

Therefore, the new money can be used until the end of 2025. Even if the funds are still available, by then, if elected president, Mr. Donald Trump may decide not to use them.

US approves new aid: Good news for Ukraine but difficulties lie ahead

US President Joe Biden (right) and Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky (Photo: Bloomberg/Getty).

That’s why European leaders wrongly saw American aid as giving them a temporary respite.

Since Ukraine pushed Russian troops back beyond the Dnieper in November 2022, nearly 18 months ago, the front line has remained largely unchanged, despite huge human losses.

Ukraine’s allies may urge the country to trade land for security, but it is hard to imagine a deal that would satisfy both Ukraine and Russia.

The West’s goal, of course, is a stable, secure and prosperous Ukraine within defensible borders and progress towards membership of the European Union and NATO.

Internal disagreements in Washington mean European leaders realize they will have to bear a greater burden to achieve this goal and that they will need a larger defense industry.

Although Europe is the largest financial and humanitarian aid provider to Ukraine, in terms of military aid, European and American contributions are equal.