(Dan Tri) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that it was not the US but the whole world that was `at fault` for allowing Russia the opportunity to attack Kharkov.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky (Photo: Getty).

In an interview with ABC News on May 16, whether Ukraine’s current failures on the Kharkov front are America’s fault or not, President Zelensky said: `It’s the world’s fault. They gave Russia a chance.

According to ABC News, Mr. Zelensky refrained from publicly criticizing the United States, maintaining his typical approach towards Ukraine’s largest military aid country.

When asked about the concerns of some American voters about the amount of aid to Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky explained: `That is money spent on factories in America, creating jobs for Americans… And

Studies have shown that at least 31 US states are producing weapons or military equipment for Ukraine.

President Zelensky made a trip to inspect the Kharkiv front line.

He said the Kharkov situation was very difficult, but still under control and Ukrainian forces had caused great damage to the Russian side.

Russia launched a new attack on Kharkov on May 10, nearly 2 years after having to withdraw from this territory due to Ukraine’s counterattack.

AFP estimates that in just one week, Russia has controlled nearly 260 square kilometers of territory in Kharkov, marking the biggest advance in the past year and a half on the Ukrainian battlefield.

Ukrainian President Zelensky declared that Ukraine cannot lose Kharkov and the world can support Ukraine to maintain this line.

During a visit to Kiev earlier this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington was `actively and urgently` seeking to provide Patriot air defense systems worth billions of dollars to Ukraine.

Last month, Mr. Zelensky said that Ukraine needed 25 Patriot complexes, but later adjusted it to `at least 7 complexes`.

Each Patriot battery includes a power supply system, radar, control station, truck-mounted missile launcher, support vehicles and costs about 1 billion USD.

General Christopher Cavoli, NATO’s supreme allied commander in Europe, said he believes Ukraine can hold the Kharkov line because Russia’s current forces are not enough to achieve a strategic breakthrough on the Kharkov front.

`Russia does not have the necessary numbers of soldiers to make a strategic breakthrough. More importantly, it does not have the skills and capabilities and operate at the scale needed to exploit any breakthrough to

Russia currently outnumbers Ukraine in terms of firepower in Kharkov, with a ratio of 10:1.