(Dan Tri) – Part of the roof of the theater in the Crocus City complex in Moscow (Russia) collapsed, inside is a scene of ruins after the terrorist attack on the evening of March 22 that killed more than 60 people.

Inside the attacked theater area (Photo: RT).

Images posted by RT news agency show scenes of destruction and debris scattered throughout the area inside the hall and lobby of the theater in the Crocus City shopping and entertainment complex.

Images from inside the Russian theater being terrorized, the victim survived by pretending to be dead

Debris scattered everywhere (Photo: RT).

Images from inside the Russian theater being terrorized, the victim survived by pretending to be dead

(Photo: RT).

Meanwhile, Moscow Region Governor Andrey Vorobyov said that part of the complex’s roof collapsed due to the impact of the fire.

He noted that emergency services were continuing to clear debris and extinguish the fire, adding that first responders were able to enter the main auditorium, where the fire was most intense.

He said rescuers are continuing to clean up debris, extinguish the fire and have been able to reach the auditorium, where the fire is most serious.

Images from inside the Russian theater being terrorized, the victim survived by pretending to be dead

Part of the building’s roof collapsed due to a fire (Photo: AFP).

On the evening of March 22, an armed group broke into and opened fire inside the theater of the Crocus City complex in Krasnogorsk, a city northwest of Moscow.

According to witnesses, this group of people carried rifles, smoke bombs, and grenades, shooting wildly at the crowd in the front rows inside the theater hall.

The place where the attack occurred was a theater with a capacity of 6,200 people.

Survived by pretending to be dead

Images from inside the Russian theater being terrorized, the victim survived by pretending to be dead

Chaotic scene inside the hall at the time of the attack (Photo: Guardian).

In an interview with the media, a female victim said she was lucky to survive by pretending to be dead.

She said that thanks to that, she was lucky to escape death.

She recalled that when the fire broke out in the building, she tried to crawl closer to the door to avoid suffocation.

Another witness said the attack happened right before the show.

`Two minutes before the music program started, there were loud explosions from the lower floors. Loudspeakers informed ticket sellers that there were gunshots,` this person said.

This person added: `A security guard guided us into a room where there were water tanks or fire extinguishers. There were about 50 people there for about 25-35 minutes in the smoke. We saved ourselves.`

Then rescuers arrived, broke down the door and got everyone out.

Terrorist attack in Moscow, at least 60 people