(Dan Tri) – Beijing has appointed a tough figure to lead the newly established national security protection office in Hong Kong to oversee the implementation of the new security law.

Mr. Zheng Yanxiong (Photo: SCMP)

Xinhua reported that on July 3, China’s State Council appointed Mr. Zheng Yanxiong, 56 years old, as head of the national security protection office of the central government in the Hong Kong special administrative region.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), Mr. Zheng Yanxiong, who used to hold different positions of the Communist Party of China in Guangdong province, is a tough character, known for his way of handling injustice.

Mr. Zheng’s appointment was announced today, in the context that the Hong Kong government on the same day confirmed the establishment of a separate national security office, headed by Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

Mr. Luo Huining, director of Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong, will become the Chief Executive’s top advisor on the special zone’s national security protection office.

In addition, Ms. Lam also appointed Mr. Edwina Lau Chi-wai to head a police unit set up to enforce the new law and appointed six current judges to handle related cases.

“My administration will fully cooperate with the national security advisor and office… and will make every effort in enforcing the national security law and fulfilling the city’s responsibility to protect security

According to the new national security law effective from July 1, Beijing will establish a national security protection office in Hong Kong, responsible for supervising and guiding the government’s work on this issue.

The office also has jurisdiction over complex or serious cases that the Hong Kong government cannot resolve.

Meanwhile, the committee headed by Ms. Lam will be responsible for making policies, evaluating developments, and coordinating major tasks and important activities related to protecting national security.

Previously, on June 30, the Standing Committee of the Chinese National Assembly passed a new Hong Kong security law.

About 370 people were arrested after thousands of people in the special zone took to the streets to protest against the new security law on July 1, many of whom were investigated for secession under the new security law.


According to SCMP