(Dan Tri) – Mr. Pete Buttigieg, 38 years old, the first gay presidential candidate from a major political party, has withdrawn as the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is coming to a climax.

Mr. Pete Buttigieg (Photo: Getty)

Mr. Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend (Indiana), announced the end of the race for the White House in a speech to a large number of supporters in his hometown on the evening of March 1 local time.

“We must realize that at this point in the race, the best way to keep faith with our goals and ideas is to stand down and help bring our party and country together.

The young politician emphasized the values ​​his campaign hoped to promote.

“Our goal has always been to help unite Americans to defeat Donald Trump and to win the day for our values,” Mr. Buttigieg said.

Mr. Buttigieg’s election campaign was historic.

Mr. Buttigieg’s race is also one of the boldest presidential campaigns in recent years.

Mr. Buttigieg is also the first 8X candidate to run for the White House and will be the youngest president in history if he wins.

The son of an immigrant, Mr. Buttigieg has long been rumored to be a potential candidate for the 2020 presidential election. After declaring his participation in the race last April, he was able to overcome a

After a successful start with a win in the first primary in Iowa and a runner-up finish in New Hampshire, Mr. Buttigieg’s campaign has seen support decline in recent weeks.

Election Day `Super Tuesday`

8X gay candidate suddenly dropped out of the US presidential race

Prominent Democratic presidential candidates: (from left to right) Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg (Photo: Boston Globe)

Mr. Buttigieg’s decision to withdraw above took place right before `Super Tuesday` (March 3), in which 14 states in the US will hold primary elections in the process of finding candidates to fight against current President Donald.

With Mr. Buttigieg, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is now down to 6 candidates.

Currently, Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont is the leading candidate after the previous primary elections.

Observers are waiting to see whether Mr. Sanders can claim the leading position, and whether other famous candidates such as former Vice President Joe Biden and New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg can `make it happen` or not.


According to Reuters, AFP