(Dan Tri) – Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on March 4 that the recording of a discussion by German military officers showed that the country’s army intended to conduct `an attack on its territory`.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov (Photo: Reuters).

`The recording shows that the German army is discussing plans to launch attacks on Russian territory in a substantive and specific way. Everything is too clear,` Mr. Peskov said.

The Kremlin spokesman added: `We have to find out whether the German army took the initiative to do this or not. The question is: can the German army control it or not and Prime Minister Olaf Scholz control

`Both scenarios are very bad, once again emphasizing the direct involvement of Western countries in the Ukraine conflict,` Mr. Peskov emphasized.

Russian media last weekend released a 38-minute audio recording allegedly recording a discussion between General Ingo Gerhartz, commander of the German Air Force, and several other high-ranking German officers on February 19.

The officers discussed British Storm Shadow and French SCALP cruise missiles that these countries donated to Ukraine.

They debate whether those weapons are enough to attack the bridge connecting the Crimean peninsula with Russia’s Krasnodar region.

Mr. Gerhartz said that Germany is considering transferring 100 of the 600 long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine in two batches, both to support Kiev and avoid escalating the conflict.

Taurus is a long-range cruise missile for aircraft jointly produced by Germany and Sweden.

Taurus can hit both individual targets such as tanks, artillery, radars, command posts, missile launchers and larger targets such as military convoys, command headquarters clusters, military bases, warehouses.

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that the exchange of German officers was evidence that the country was preparing to launch war with Moscow.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also commented that this shows that the West is still looking for ways to make Russia fail on the battlefield.

The German Ministry of Defense has confirmed the content of the conversation was wiretapped and is investigating the incident.

German Ambassador to Moscow Alexander Graf Lamsdorff today, March 4, came to the Russian Foreign Ministry at the request of a summons to explain the content of the leaked conversation.